North: 408-213-1090 | South: 310-643-6977 |

Pendulum Instruments

Pendulum Instruments is a high-quality global supplier of solutions for calibration, measurement and analysis of time and frequency related parameters.

6 0 + Y E A R S  O F  E X P E R I E N C E  A N D  E X P E R T I S E

The company roots dates back to the 1950’s, when Pendulum Instruments was the Swedish branch of Philips Test & Measurement division. Pendulum Instruments was a spin-off in 1998. Pendulum Instruments currently has offices in Poland, Sweden and USA.

Q U A L I T Y  A N D  R E C O G N I T I O N

Pendulum products have been awarded “Best-in-Test” honorable mention from T&M World magazine several times, and Pendulum Instruments was awarded “Electronic Company of the Year” in the “Elektronik i Norden” magazine. Our reputation has created strategic alliances with a.o. Fluke and other big global T&M companies.

M A R K E T S  S E R V E D

Today, our products fit the needs of metrology, aerospace and defense, telecom, oscillator manufacturing, RF and Microwave, electronic industries, contract manufacturing, etc. in around 100 countries worldwide. We have sales representatives in approximately 100 countries in all continents plus service centers in several countries.

T H E  P R O D U C T S

The company’s success is based on technological intuition and skills, enabling to provide solutions that have always been ahead of the market’s offer. The products perfectly respond to the basic needs of precision, application fitness and ease-of-use, however they constantly surprise and win customers’ trust with smart and user-friendly innovations.

Pendulum Instruments offers leading products in for example the following product categories

- GPS/GNSS Simulators

- Frequency Counters

- Frequency Analyzers

- Modulation Domain Analyzers

- Frequency & Time Calibrators

- Frequency & Time Standards

- Frequency Distribution Amplifiers

Featured Products

Pendulum CNT-104SCNT-104S: Multi-Channel Frequency Analyzer & the NEW CNT-104R: Multi-Channel Rubidium Calibration/Analyzer

Pendulum CNT-91RCNT-91R: High Performance Frequency Counter/Analyzer

Pendulum CNT-90XLCNT-90XL: Microwave Counter/Analyzer & 400 MHz General Purpose Timer/Counter

Pendulum GPS-12RGPS-12R/HS: GPS-Controlled Frequency Standards

Pendulum DA-36DA-36: Frequency Distribution Amplifier

Pendulum FTR-210RNEW!  FTR-210R: GNSS-disciplined Rubidium Frequency & Time Reference

Pendulum TimeViewTimeView: Modulation Domain Analyzer (MDA) Software

  • Frequency Analyzer
  • Frequency Distribution
  • GPS / GNSS Simulators
  • Time & Frequency Counters
  • Time & Frequency Standards
  • Hawaii
  • Northern California
  • Northern Nevada
  • Southern California
  • Southern Nevada