General Purpose / Data Acquisition

- Benchtop and Rackmount Programmable DC & AC Power Supplies
- Grid Simulators
- Solar Array Simulators
- Electronic Loads
- Global UPS
- Custom Power Solutions
California Instruments | Elgar | Sorensen | Xantrex

- AC/DC Precision Power Meters & Analyzers
- Digital Storage Oscilloscopes to 500 MHz
- Data Acquisition
- Recorders
- Precision DC Sources
- SMUs
- Function Generators

- General Purpose and High-end Oscilloscopes
- 12-bit Vertical Resolution to 65 GHz
- Motor Drive Analyzers
- High-speed Serial Data Analysis
- Protocol Test Solutions including DDR, PCI Express, Fiber Channel, Serial ATA, SAS and USB

- Test Equipment Rental
- Test Equipment Lease
- Repairs of all Major Brands of Test Equipment
- Warranty & Calibration Services
- Refurbished Equipment Sales

- Fast, 24-bit, High-channel Count Data Acquisition
- Monitor and Record Physical Data Performance
- Current and Voltage Measurement
- Signal Condition for Strain Sensors Measurement
- Temperature Measurement
- Modular, PXI and PXIe Instruments and Switching Solutions

- Frequency Counters / Analyzers
- Microwave Counters / Analyzers
- Frequency and Time Standards
- EMC Scanners
- Frequency Distribution Amplifier
- Single-channel and Dual-channel Highvoltage Broadband Linear Amplifiers

- Multi-product Calibrators
- Process Calibrators
- Decade Boxes
- Electrical Test Calibrators
- Impedance Standards